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Success Thought of the Day – 6/22/18: Pursue our Purpose


On June 7, George Clooney received the highest honor an actor can receive for a career in the film industry, the American Film Institute’s Lifetime Achievement Award.  For many, such an achievement seems far-fetched and out of sight.  However, let’s take a step back.  The point is that we must try to pursue our purpose.

We know that a house is built brick-by-brick.  The first brick to the house of such an achievement as this is understanding your passion,  purpose or cause.  Unfortunately, many of us think about this,  perhaps even daydream about this and talk about it with friends, but do not take the time to visualize it and write it down.  The very act of writing it down begins the process of putting things in motion and making it real.

From there, we must establish our goals.   We need to be crystal clear about what we want to accomplish, if possible, quantitatively and qualitatively.

From there, we must establish our plans to meet those goals, creating a specific list of actions that we will take to meet those goals.

From there, we must take the actions we wrote down, daily.  Each day we need to take those actions and journal what we did, what the results were, what we learned and what we will do differently tomorrow to improve those results.

There is much more we can add to this in terms of establishing a full plan of action, but this is a short version of what it looks like to TRY to pursue our purpose.  For a longer version go to resources page and get the free workbook.

Have a blessed day!


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