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Success Thought of the Day – 7/9/18: Your Atmosphere Affects Your Outcomes

Your Atmosphere Affects Your Outcomes

The atmosphere you permit affects the outcome you will experience. – Steve Hare

Interestingly enough, many of us will listen to the weather forecast before we leave the house for the day.  If it is going to rain, many of us will take an umbrella so as not to get wet.  We will drive a bit slower and perhaps be even more mindful of other drivers.  We might even have an expectation that it will take us longer than usual to arrive at our destination.  Indeed, your atmosphere affects your outcomes.

Compounded effect

With that being the case for a morning commute as an example, just imagine how much more impactful the atmosphere you live with on a continual basis to your outcomes.  Consider being in an atmosphere where the environment tends to mold around your needs (not wants, but your needs).  Trumpets roar as you rise to get going for the day, nutrients abound, there is an infectious energy about from everyone you interact with as you exchange ideas and work in harmony towards your vision, mission, and goals.

It would be hard not to be motivated and a conqueror in that kind of environment.  So, let’s go back to the quote, it is up to us to permit the atmosphere.  Permit means to give authorization or consent to (someone) to do something.

The Take-Away

Often times, we tell people what we do not want them to do.  More specifically here, we might have people occupying our atmosphere who are not bringing infectious energy but are literally killing it.  To them what may want to tell them what we will not permit.  Try a different approach, you have nothing to lose – – go to people in your atmosphere and give them permission to be positive, be energetic, be encouraging, bring opportunities and ideas and more.    Speak to them in the affirmative – – “Let’s give each permission to be great for each other!”

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