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Success Thought of the Day – 2/1/19

What gets measured gets managed. Peter Drucker

What gets measured gets managed.  Peter Drucker

Consistent accountability for our personal goals is a key driver to our success.  Having just ended January, it is the perfect time to take a step back to review your SMART Goals.  Rate your progress objectively and take note of what you have learned.

Based on what you have learned, what do you need to do more of going forward?  What do you need to do less of going forward?  Take the opportunity to do two things:

  • Create a to-do list of no more than three things you will do next week to jump-start your progress
  • Calendarize the rest of the “more of” and “less of” learnings


Have a great day!

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Big year for DaFixx as they grab another Kingdom Choice Award for Best Radio Show


HCR’s Da Fixx Morning Radio Show Wins Kingdom Choice Award


Holy Culture Radio (HCR) has moved to SiriusXM Channel 140


Kingdom Choice Award was awarded to James B. Rosseau