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Progress Through Your Challenges: Success Thought of the Day – 11/15/18

Each step upward makes me feel stronger and fit for the next step. - Mohandas K. Gandhi

This quote is very fitting for me this week.  My wife and I got back Sunday evening from a wonderful, two-week, shorts-wearing, Caribbean cruise.   However, I began coming down with the flu upon our return.  You all know the deal … the sweats through the night, then the chills, etc.  On Monday, I started the cycle with OJ, Soup, yah dah yah dah and then it hit me.  I did not want to go through the three to five day routine of getting through the flu.  I resolved that I was going to fight through it differently this time.

I typically workout every day, so I decided to work out.  I hopped on my Peloton and did a 45-minute ride.  Mind you, it was not pretty, I knew I would not be setting any new PRs (personal records) J.  However, I knew that I would feel better, physically and mentally.

On Tuesday, I did it again and on Wednesday I added weight lifting back into my routine.  I am almost back at 100% health, but more importantly, I did not take the full dip in health I typically would have when having the Flu, because I fought it differently.  Instead of waiting for it to “pass through,” I challenged my body to continue to make progress in being better.

Progress is a powerful stimulator, particularly during challenging seasons in our lives.  As you face your challenges, focus on that next step upward – – the effort within your control – – the building block that will make you stronger.

To your success!


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