Success Thought of the Day – 8/24/21
Your biggest breakthrough might be on the other side of that mountain.
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Success Thought of the Day – 8/23/21
Most great businesses don’t grow out of complex, rocket-science-like ideas.
Most have just two things. A product or service solves a problem and a founder who is committed to seeing it through.

Success Thought of the Day – 8/19/21
Dr. Brooks was recently on my podcast, sharing the importance of understanding the continuous nature of our journeys.
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Success Thought of the Day – 8/18/21
Amazing things begin to happen when you acknowledge your power and take accountability.
You get to choose the locations where that passport will be stamped, along with who travels with you.

Success Thought of the Day – 8/17/21
Realizing your vision requires your commitment to take advantage of every opportunity “at-bat.”
Winning comes through the collection of hits and strikes.

Success Thought of the Day – 8/16/21
The reality is that we don’t go from “win” to “win,” nor do we accomplish wins without a lot of work to get there, which often includes challenges.
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Success Thought of the Day – 8/13/21
The absence of clearly written priorities can lead to random decisions. Please write down your vision and then cascade it.
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Success Thought of the Day – 8/12/21
Scientists say we make over 30,000 decisions every day.
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Success Thought of the Day – 8/11/21
Leadership reminder.
Rarely do you hear a person say they are leaving a company because the benefits package wasn’t rich enough, or they found the logo to be grossly offensive, or the products were inferior.
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