Success Thought of the Day – 12/24/19
We are not cisterns made for hoarding, we are channels made for sharing. – Billy Graham
Success Thought of the Day – 12/23/19
Concentrate on your strengths, instead of your weaknesses… on your powers, instead of your problems. Paul J. Meyer
Success Thought of the Day – 12/20/19
Shut down everything long enough to hear the voice inside of you … and then follow it.
Success Thought of the Day – 12/19/19
Happiness is not a destination. It is a method of life. – Burton Hills
Success Thought of the Day – 12/18/19
When people go to work, they shouldn’t have to leave their hearts at home. – Betty Bender
Success Thought of the Day – 12/16/19
Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength. – Arnold Schwarzenegger
Success Thought of the Day – 12/12/19
Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean. – Ryunosuke Satoro
Success Thought of the Day – 12/11/19
Growth > Discomfort Rarely do we experience moments or seasons of growth without discomfort – – be it aching muscles, changes to routines, breaking habits or beginning new ones. To step up, “step out”… of your comfort zone, of what you can do without even thinking about it and “step in” to getting more comfortable… Read More »Success Thought of the Day – 12/11/19
Success Thought of the Day – 12/10/19
People who use time wisely spend it on activities that advance their overall purpose in life. – John C. Maxwell