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Success Thought of the Day – 1/10/22

If you want to achieve your goals this year, practice saying “no.” - James B. Rosseau, Sr.

As someone with endless ideas and who readily helps others, I understand the challenge of protecting the “to do” list.

Several years ago, when my administrative assistant told me my calendar was out of control, it prompted me to do an exercise with her.  We color-coded my calendar entries.  Green for meetings that served goals, yellow for meetings indirectly supporting my goals, and non-discretionary meetings (e.g., my manager’s staff meeting, technology prioritization meetings,  etc.) and red for everything else.

Of course, we found too much yellow and red.  As we began to work towards a more “green calendar,” it produced long-lasting behaviors.  I learned to better filter (meetings and commitments) and to develop the practice of saying “no,” in a nice way.

Ideas are not finite, but time certainly is.  If you struggle with having too much on your plate at times, give this approach a try.

Have a great week!

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