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Success Thought of the Day – 3/22/21

The fact is that the system people work in … may account for 90 or 95 percent of performance. – W. Edwards Deming


“Are you working in the system or on the system?”  That was one of the best questions a team member asked me several years ago.

As a leader, it is easy to get our hands into everything, as we want to help others be successful, drive results and pursue the organization’s purpose.  However, there is a difference between the individual, in the moment efforts, and operating systems.

I liken it to a glass of water spilling on a table; if it happens once or twice, it is acceptable to grab a towel and clear it up.   However, if this will be a repeated act, you need to address the real need, fix the spill’s cause, or install a “system” of trenches to catch and dispose of the water.

Give some thought to the systems you have stewardship responsibility for and make them better.

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Big year for DaFixx as they grab another Kingdom Choice Award for Best Radio Show


HCR’s Da Fixx Morning Radio Show Wins Kingdom Choice Award


Holy Culture Radio (HCR) has moved to SiriusXM Channel 140


Kingdom Choice Award was awarded to James B. Rosseau