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Success Thought of the Day – 4/2/21

You can't be hesitant about who you are.   – Viola Davis

When I think about who we are, the words that come to mind are purpose, gifts, talents, morals, values, principles, beliefs, character, and so much more.

To be hesitant is to be tentative or unsure.  Speaking in the affirmative:

  • Be sure about your purpose
  • Be sure about your gift and talents
  • Be sure about your morals
  • Be sure about your values 
  • Be sure about your principles
  • Be sure about your beliefs
  • Be sure about your character

Surety helps us with accountability and reduces susceptibility to popular opinion.  You won’t always have the answers, as we are all a work in progress.  However, you should be in constant pursuit of those answers.


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