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Success Thought of the Day – 4/7/21

Sometimes, just showing up is an accomplishment. - James Rosseau, Sr.

It is hard for me to believe, but I am closing in on 1,000 rides on my Peloton.

When I first began, I didn’t appreciate pacing myself during a ride.  Given leaderboards and personal stats, I often tended to “push” constantly and viewed slowing down as losing my pace within the pack!  However, as with all training, there are needed moments within your growth cycle (e.g., warm-ups, best efforts, endurance, recovery, cool down, etc.).

That same is true in careers and life.  Growth comes through cycles, not monotonous pushing. Acknowledge and be ok with, particularly during these times,  your needed moments of recovery.  Consider them a contribution to your next personal best.

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