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Success Thought of the Day – 5/21/21

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him. - David Brinkley

When you speak to people who’ve devoted their lives to a cause, there is usually a personal story behind it that involves a “brick,” if you will. Whether thrown at them or someone close to them, it is a driving force behind their work.

For me, it was my insecurities and lack of validation as a youth that I carried through most of my life. For years, I avoided looking at that “brick.” However, as my book coach, Melissa Wilson, and I worked on Success On Your Own Terms, something interesting happened.

I intended to purely focus on the personal development and business lessons I had learned. Melissa challenged me to tell my story within the book. Initially, I resisted. Thankfully, Melissa was persistent and convinced me to share. It was challenging, but I am forever grateful as it allowed me to better serve others carrying the same load.

The bricks thrown at you can be painful. However, if you can work through that pain and challenge yourself to go deeper, you can lay that firm foundation, serve from it and make the impact that you want to on the world.

You can hear the full commentary on my new podcast at:

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