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Success Thought of the Day – 6/5/20

Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes. - Hugh Prather

Just when I think I have learned the way to live, life changes. – Hugh Prather

While I am a life-long learner, this quote still resonates with me as I think we all yearn for some level of consistency in life driven by our basic need for stability.

A week ago I shared my initial thoughts in a video in regards to this moment, summarized in three words, “Don’t Look Away.”   As I said in the video, I was still processing what those words meant in full, but minimally I knew:

  • “Don’t look away from the pain of systemic racism.”
  • “Don’t look away from the institutionalized components that allow it to exist and perpetuate it.”
  • “Don’t look away and go back to business as usual.”

Within the video I shared a story of working with middle school students and upon asking them about future goals, one stated, “to be alive.”   

It is difficult, if not impossible, to focus on self-improvement prior to having basic (physiological, safety, love, and esteem) needs met first. There is no debate here, this has been scientifically proven. Acknowledging that, I also knew that I would need to expand our organization’s work as my purpose is to help others reach their full potential.

Over the past week, I have dug deeper to better educate myself (e.g. issues, policies, barriers, organizations, resources, etc.) and have participated in a number of substantive dialogues (including a panel discussion with Kellogg for current EMBA students).   There is a clear need for a common-level of understanding and to that point, to the extinct it might be helpful for others, I may publish a summary page of my learnings as I go through this journey.

Stay tuned! Let’s continue to have the dialogue and “Don’t Look Away!”

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