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Success Thought of the Day – 6/17/19

Desire fuels will and without fuel most things come to a stop. – James B. Rosseau, Sr.

Desire fuels will and without fuel, most things come to a stop. – James B. Rosseau, Sr.

When I was a young manager, I was taught to coach performance issues on the basis of “skill or will” as a starting point.  Does the person have the “skills” to do the job?  Does the person possess the “will” (e.g. the juice, the motor, the resilience, etc.) to push forward and get things done?

There is a more important question that needs to be asked first, “does the person have the desire?”  Desire, by definition, is a strong feeling of wanting to have something.  While some are naturally gifted, “skills” can be obtained and to a certain degree, “will” can be coached, coerced or faked for short term success.  However, desire is at the root of a person.

Leaders that genuinely engage with their team members to understand and nurture that desire will see better performers.  Conversely, those seeking the right career or business venture that lean into desire versus obtaining skills and faking the will are likely to see longer-term success.

Have a great week!



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