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Success Thought of the Day – 6/19/19

The question should be, is it worth trying to do, not can it be done.  – Allard Lowenstein

Pause for a moment and give thought to “that thing” you have always wanted to do.  You know, “that thing” that comes to mind every so often.  “That thing” that fills you with sublime hope and brings forth that Charlie Brown ear-to-ear smile.

What often happens after that magical moment?  Typically a thought process where we rationalize why it cannot be done.  Practice something new.   Resist going DOWN that track and go UP a different track.  Begin to journal two things: 1) What it is about “that thing” that energizes you?  2)  What would be different about your life if you achieved it?

Do that each time “that thing” comes to mind and let that begin to give life to your plan of getting it done.

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