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Success Thought of the Day – 7/2/18: Decide and Move


“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” — John Pierpont Morgan

“The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide you’re not going to stay where you are.” — John Pierpont Morgan

It is time to decide and move for sure. It is officially midyear! For many of us on the East Coast the temperatures have shown up consistently in the 90s lately, which I personally could do without, but alas, it is what it is. Professionally, inside many companies, it That time of the year where mid-year performance appraisals begin. It typically starts with the self-appraisal, with each of us evaluating how we did against the goals we have set for the year and the milestones we should have reached by the midpoint of the year.

Reflect and reset

As mentioned last week, some of us have closed the month, the quarter and the first half of the year strong and have literally knocked the leather off the ball as it were. We also know that others of us may have fallen short and not be exactly we would like to be.

On track or ahead of the pack

To those that are on track or ahead, congrats. Take a bow, quickly. Do not let your foot off the gas. Continue to drive hard, learn more, do more, help others and exceed your own expectations.

Behind your expectations

To those that are behind, whether slightly or largely, recharge, refuel and move out. There is great news for you. The game is not over – – – – you still have a full 2nd half of the year. Comebacks are often historic, but not uncommon at all. I’ll give you two to jog your memory.

In 2001, Duke trailed Maryland by 22 points in the first half of the Final Four. The encouraging words from coach Mike Krzyzewski, “You’re losing by so much, you can’t play any worse. So what are you worried about, losing by 40?” The Blue Devils mounted a 95-84 comeback victory.

In 1995, The Indiana Pacers were down by 7 points in Game 1 against the New York Knicks in the Eastern Conference Semifinals with only 18.7 seconds left. Reggie Miller miraculously scored 8 points in those 18.7 seconds!

Decide and move

Move out! Production cures all ills, go get some. As I like to say Go sell somethin’ (GSS) if you are in sales. Go improve something and make it more efficient and effective if you are in operations. Go rally your team and game plan if you are in a position to do so. Above all else decide and move.


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