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Success Thought of the Day – 7/23/21

Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways. ― Sigmund Freud

Self-expression involves being able to express how you feel, both verbally and non-verbally. It is important to communicate openly, assertively, and acceptably.

A common challenge in this area is maintaining intended communication under stress, avoiding “fight” (speaking with anger and such) or “flight” (shutting down and forfeiting your opportunity to impact outcomes).

I am all too familiar with the techniques in this space. Earlier in my career, when I struggled with speaking in front of large groups, I went to Toastmasters to get help. One of the best techniques I learned there was the idea of dealing with the nervous system.

The nervous system is there to work to our benefit, particularly when we are excited (or stressed), supplying more oxygen to the needed parts of our body. However, some other things can happen, such as labored breathing and a heart rate increase, which can work against us when trying to communicate.

Many public speakers practice the technique of sitting in a chair and pressing their feet into the floor for a few minutes before taking the stage. As you make your quadriceps work, more oxygen is drawn to that area and used, helping bring the rest of your body back into a calmer state.

Use this technique when stressed and heighten your self-awareness to understand better those things that trigger you.

There is no need to go into “fight or flight” mode. Be prepared, be reminded that you always get to choose your response, leverage the speaker’s technique to bring yourself back to a calm state, and express yourself!

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