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Success Thought of the Day – 7/25/19: Go HARDER

When you don’t “feel like it,” go HARDER!

When you don’t “feel like it,” go HARDER.


I have been sending out the Success Thought of the Day since January of 2000, which makes this the 20th year.

There are many mornings, like this one, where I don’t “feel like” doing it. I don’t “feel like” rolling out of bed and doing my bible study, prayer and reading beforehand. I don’t “feel like” working out. I don’t “feel like” working on curriculum today for youth and young adults to empower them to reach their potential as I’m not sure “my cup runneth over today.” I don’t “feel like” working on programing for Holy Culture Radio today either.

However, it is not about what we “feel like,” it is about our purpose. When you know, that you know, what you know, from WHO you know, line up the work necessary to walk that path and do it with consistency. The risks of inconsistency are too large. As an example, I have no idea who might need a small word of encouragement today out of those who read it the Success Thought of the Day.

Let nothing hold you back from the blessings that await you or those that stand to benefit from your service. Go HARDER!

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