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Success Thought of the Day – 8/7/19

You can’t think yourself into a new way of acting. But you can act yourself into a new way of thinking. – Jerry Sternin

By nature, I tend to dwell on “the how.”  I like to plan things for quite a while before execution actually happens.  However, I can get stuck in planning and the truth of the matter is that to break into new territory, practice and trials beat thoughts and plans.

Mindfulness experts layout a number of techniques to help shift behavior.  One of my favorites is “break the pattern.”  This means deliberating breaking your normal pattern of working, communicating, thinking, reacting and responding.  For example, in meetings, if you typically hold back in throwing out your idea during brainstorming sessions, make it a point to be the first to go.

Give it a shot!  Let me know if it helps you begin to shift!


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