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Success Thought of the Day – 8/29/19

Written words are the first step in converting ideas and thoughts into actions and results. – James Rosseau, Sr

Written words are the first step in converting ideas and thoughts into actions and results. – James Rosseau, Sr.

I never intended to write a book. As I actively mentored, I noticed themes. To become more consistent in providing advice, I began to journal. One thing led to another and the book was born. Get your ideas out of your head and on paper … there is power in that transfer.

What ideas have been brewing that you need to write down?

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Student Debt: How To Avoid It & How To Get Out Of It In 6 Easy Steps


Big year for DaFixx as they grab another Kingdom Choice Award for Best Radio Show


HCR’s Da Fixx Morning Radio Show Wins Kingdom Choice Award


Holy Culture Radio (HCR) has moved to SiriusXM Channel 140


Kingdom Choice Award was awarded to James B. Rosseau