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Success Thought of the Day – 11/4/19

Continually invest in yourself. It establishes the discipline of identifying what is important to you long-term. – James Rosseau, Sr.

Continually invest in yourself. It establishes the discipline of identifying what is important to you long-term.  – James Rosseau, Sr.

We often comply with an employer’s standards and challenges to stretch ourselves in order to get and keep a job.  Paradigm shift – – – this is about investing in you, strategically and proactively.  Don’t wait to be asked, create your own learning and development plan.

  1. Decide what you need to learn in order to progress where you are, as well as move you towards where you want to go.
  2. Pick the means that work best for you, books, audiobooks, webinars, in-room training programs, Youtube videos, college courses, etc.
  3. Do not let finances be a barrier, libraries are still open!

Have a great one!

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