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No one really knows why they are alive until they know what they'd die for. — Martin Luther King Jr.

Success Thought of the Day – 2/25/20

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I have been digesting this one for weeks given its depth and the introspection I can imagine it would drive for you as it goes to the heart of your purpose. I am planning a special episode of the podcast around that topic in the coming months. However, until then, consider these questions.

– What do you feel you been uniquely created to do?
– What burdens you the most?
– What can work on for time on end, and literally forget about eating, going to the restroom or sleeping?

The answers to those questions will give you some clues.

Success Thought of the Day – 2/24/20

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Early in my career, I viewed the c-suite as the place I needed to be in order to drive positive change. While that is true, institutionally, change must still happen person-to-person. Similar to how a virus spreads through the body, one blood cell at a time, so it is with our ability to impact people, positively!

Begin this week by identifying someone you will help pursue their dream and create a positive viral spread.