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May 2020

In leadership, self-care is selfless act. – James Rosseau, Sr.

Success Thought of the Day – 5/18/20

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As a younger leader, I didn’t quite get that regularly refueling your tank is necessary in order to be of service to others, relying on vacations as my refueling stations. Even then, allowing those to go too far in between.

Be cognizant of what we hear during air travel, “put your mask on first.” Make plans to sustain yourself daily so you can bring your best self to those you want to serve.

Success Thought of the Day – 5/13/20

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Right before the year began, what was on your list of the things that you would do, if only you had the time? To the best of your ability, carve out some time during this moment to check a few things off of that list.

Making Your Net Work

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Some entrepreneurs and leaders might see networking as a double-edged sword. On one hand, there’s a chance for a mutually beneficial relationship, while on the other, a relationship wherein only one benefits. How do you get more of the former rather than the latter?

Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look there. - Marcus Aurelius Antoninum

Success Thought of the Day – 5/6/20

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Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look there. – Marcus Aurelius Antoninum