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7+ Online Learning Tips and Tricks (To Ace Your Courses in 2024)

Are you looking for online learning tips and tricks?

Are online classes a challenge for you? Do you find that you can’t focus on your work or find meaning in your courses?

Do these obstacles keep you from taking on more classes? Dragging school for longer than you intend it to?

Maybe you’ve tried tips before, and nothing has worked, leaving you annoyed and discouraged. 

With the majority of schools at all levels participating in some kind of online learning, knowing how to navigate is important to your success as a student. 

To make sure you get back on track, we’ve scoured the internet and compiled a list that will give you the tools you need to get over that learning hump. 

Who’s ready to ace their classes?! Let’s go.

What Every Student Should Know About Online Learning?


Online learning takes discipline.

Depending on your personality, this could be manageable or a challenge. We often take online classes because they fit our season of life; it’s the class you need to graduate or the only option available based on your location. 

In short, taking online classes is unavoidable in many cases. But regardless of the reason, there is a stick-to-it-ness that’s needed if you want to pass. 

For some people, online instruction does not fit their learning style, but rest assured, there are ways to make online learning work for you so you can get the most out of your coursework.

Tips and Tricks to Acing Online Learning


  1. Schedule your time wisely. This can be tough for anyone. With busy schedules, kid’s homework, and housework, adding schoolwork on top can seem impossible. But it’s not. At the beginning of the semester, take your syllabus and study it carefully. You should have a pretty good idea of what times you are free during the week and what commitments you cannot avoid. Schedule time each day to get some reading done, whether on the train to work or during lunch- find time to read over the material so your brain can mull it over during the day. If you are a procrastinator, make sure you set yourself reminders so you don’t cut it too close to the deadline. Some things can’t wait until the last minute. 
  2.  Stay organized. Organization here will be used to tackle tasks and workspaces. A popular way to organize assignments for your online work is called ‘chunking.’ Take one significant task and break it into smaller manageable chunks; this allows your brain to rest and digest information and provides room for all the other things you must do during the day. As for workspaces, they are a personal preference. Some people like controlled chaos over neat stacks. Whatever your method, designate a dedicated space for your course material that you can revisit week after week.
  3. Remain engaged. Engagement in the online environment means interacting with your peers and the coursework, which can be an ordeal depending on the subject matter. It can be easy to agree with a classmate’s point and continue with your day- but try to add substantive comments to discussion boards, especially if there are parts of the lesson you didn’t understand or need clarification. If you are struggling with a concept, someone else is too. Speaking up will add to the conversation and get others engaged, too. 
  4. Find meaning in your courses. Coursework can be tedious, but there is a way to maximize your learning. Try to tailor assignments and projects to things that interest you: make a business plan for your dream restaurant or write a French paper on your favorite designer. If you ask your professors for a topic shift, they can make it work with a few adjustments. Finding a connection to your assignments makes them easier to complete, and you enjoy your learning experience. 
  5. Focus on self-care. Self-care is essential in any aspect of your life, but it’s more so when using the glucose giant inside your skull- the brain. Make you have balanced meals and plenty of breaks. Spending too much time on one topic without gaining traction can lead to frustration- often, it’s better to work on another assignment and return to it. If you feel overwhelmed, start with a mental dump. Make a list of all the things you THINK you have to do, then circle only the ones that need to be done immediately. The rest can wait. Speaking of rest, make sure you are getting adequate sleep; doing school and work with little sleep will not do you any good.
  6. Set realistic goals. Many of us suffer from Superman/woman syndrome. We bite off way more than we can chew and feel stressed halfway through our tasks. For online learning, set realistic goals for yourself, then celebrate them! Get all your reading done, and then watch an extra episode of your favorite show. Work extra hard Friday night to finish that paper; on Saturday, you can take the day off. By committing to completing the tasks you can do when you have time available, you will feel accomplished and stay on top of your work. 
  7. Know when to get help. While superheroes have superhuman abilities, you do not. The wonderful thing about going to school is that resources are available. Counseling is available to help you cope with stressors, and your professors are there to answer questions you may have. They often have hours set aside to ask questions virtually. Your online peers are also a great resource because they may know things you do not or can help you find ways to get yourself unstuck- which is another reason to engage with them meaningfully during the week.
  8. Manage distractions. This is an interesting one. While some of us learn best in quiet rooms, others feel more comfortable with music or background noise. By now, you should know what works best for you. If you need quiet but live with small children, reduce the noise with headphones or do your work once everyone is in bed. Headphones can also be used if you need noise- playing your favorite tune or an audiobook can help you get into a productive groove where you can knock out a chunk of your work. 


Start Learning!

In today’s technology-driven world, online learning is everywhere. From elementary school to courses at work, it’s ubiquitous! So, it would be best to be armed with tips and tricks to make online learning work.

Self-motivation is a prerequisite for any online course because you are the only one that can make you do the work! With that said there are plenty of tools that can help you stay on task, from mobile apps to old-fashioned planners, do what works for you. 

There isn’t one method that works for everyone because not everyone learns the same. Try a few things to see what helps you stay on task, whether it’s a good audiobook, some good beats to keep the momentum going, or a serene corner of the house you can claim as your own. 

By knocking out these courses, you get closer to your final goal: a more prepared, more fabulous you!

So take one tip or take them all, and get that start learning!

Which tip will you try first?


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