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The fear of being different prevents most people from seeking new ways to solve problems. - Robert Kiyosaki

Success Thought of the Day – 10/12/20

The adoption of new things is often not easy.  Thus, as a problem solver, it can take work to go from being viewed as “different” and “weird” to ”thought-leader” and “innovator.”  

It stands to reason why Innovators are typically depicted as 2.5% of the population on the diffusion curve, followed by early adopters, another 13.5%.

Stay committed to the problem you are called to fix, find your early adopters, and the rest (early majority – 34%, late majority – 34%, and laggards -16%) will soon line up.

Success Thought of the Day – 10/9/20

I struggled with the idea of failure for a long time.  In my childhood years, in my mind, success led to validation, and failure meant that you were not going to get it.  That translation can cause you to misinterpret and forsake opportunities.

A former manager once shared this story.  He recalls skiing one weekend, and as he was going down the mountain, people were flying past him, some successfully, but many also falling here and there.  However, he wasn’t falling at all. He was going nice, slow, and steady, controlling every movement carefully.  His instructor finally said to him, “hey, you need to pick up the pace.  Sure, you will fall now and then, but you’ll never learn additional techniques and grow muscle memory if you don’t challenge yourself.”

Fail fast, fail often, fail forward. 

Take chances to explore growth and learn. 

Success Thought of the Day – 10/7/20

When you observe the best teams operate, the team members complement each other in good times and, more importantly, support each other through the tough times. Tough times are inevitable, and how we show up for our teammates can make the difference.

Success Thought of the Day – 9/23/20

Several years ago, after learning a colleague had just lost his job, I approached his office to offer support. To my surprise, he was calmer than I expected, golf club in hand, gently practicing his swing. [Read more …]

Success Thought of the Day – 9/22/20

Trust your inner-voice in difficult moments, particularly when challenging cultural norms. A current tradition or best practice only stands until someone demonstrates a better way.

Your greatest successes will often be found lurking behind the most challenging problems.

Success Thought of the Day – 9/18/20

Persistence must be a part of your winning formula. We often think about endurance within the context of physical activity. However, that ability to exert oneself, remain active for extended periods, and to resist, withstand, recover from, and have immunity to trauma, wounds, or fatigue is holistically necessary.

Consider yourself a mental athlete first and intentionally work on your endurance and persist through challenging problems.