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Success Thought of The Day

Calibrate your compass in your quiet times, and it will guide you during the storms.

Success Thought of the Day – 10/29/20

If you are a praying person, do your knee-drills. If you meditate, then perhaps use that space. Whatever your method, make it a practice to look out towards your vision and the underlying principles you live by to guide you.

Seasons, scenes, screens, methods, people, structures, and many other things may change often and rapidly, but principles do not. Principles stand the test of time.

Consult your conscience, rather than popular opinion. – Publius Syrus

Success Thought of the Day – 10/22/20

Popular opinion, or what is often presented as such :), can be misleading. Our inner-voice is powerful but can be overtaken by the amount of information that flows our way if we let it.

Raise your awareness, tune-in, and make conscious choices!

Being a self-leader is to serve as chief, captain, president, or CEO of one’s own life. – Drucker

Success Thought of the Day – 10/21/20

The good news is that unlike many other roles, this one does not require an application, election, appointment, or promotion.  This role was given to you at birth.  Accept, own it, and act on it.

Success Thought of the Day – 10/14/20

Like the “intel inside” stickers on PCs, we each carry an invisible one that says “greatness inside.”

The only questions that remain are our willingness to tap into, cultivate, and use that greatness on purpose (with intent and alignment).

Take a moment today to pass this virtual sticker on to someone you care about!

The fear of being different prevents most people from seeking new ways to solve problems. - Robert Kiyosaki

Success Thought of the Day – 10/12/20

The adoption of new things is often not easy.  Thus, as a problem solver, it can take work to go from being viewed as “different” and “weird” to ”thought-leader” and “innovator.”  

It stands to reason why Innovators are typically depicted as 2.5% of the population on the diffusion curve, followed by early adopters, another 13.5%.

Stay committed to the problem you are called to fix, find your early adopters, and the rest (early majority – 34%, late majority – 34%, and laggards -16%) will soon line up.