Success Thought of the Day – 3/26/20
Your small act of kindness and the use of a natural gift for another often translates as a “Herculean moment of moving a mountain” for them. Let your gifts make ripples and waves!
Your small act of kindness and the use of a natural gift for another often translates as a “Herculean moment of moving a mountain” for them. Let your gifts make ripples and waves!
The workplace is ever-changing. Obtaining skills that allow you to effectively partner, collaborate, influence and lead is paramount. One such skill is tapping into the power of vulnerability. Amita Mehta and I discuss this in the most recent episode of The Corelink Solution podcast. Listen here.
As many of us are working from home and in many cases are busier than ever, we often seem to feel we have more discretionary time! Choose one thing to learn this week.
This week I am learning more about content management and next week perhaps AI and machine learning. How about you, what do you have your sights set on?
Whether you subscribe to the 80/20 rule, minimalism or another approach, priorities in work and life make a difference. During this season, take note of your daily routine. With list in hand, move the important things to the top and de-prioritize or prune things that don’t serve you and your goals, the new habits you are trying to build, etc.
Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death. – Max Lucado
Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day-in & day out. –Robert Collier
When you find what you love, you will do it for the impact not the income. – Dr. Annise Mabry
During this challenging season, concentrate on things that help you continue to move forward. Concentrate on healthy practices and amplifying the use of them. Concentrate on your relationships … conversing live with those you live with and via video with those afar (they will appreciate the call). Concentrate on mental health, both edifying yourself in growth areas you committed to this year, as well as downtime for relaxation.
Being others-focused instead of self-focused changes your worldview. Living in a selfless manner and seeking to help others enriches our very existence on a daily… Read More »Success Thought of the Day – 3/16/20
If the intention is there, it’s coming from the heart, purpose will meet you halfway! – Brad Nardick