Success Thought of the Day – 5/10/19
A picture is worth a thousand words. If it helps, when leading a team, create your org charts with you on the bottom to give you a visual reminder.
A picture is worth a thousand words. If it helps, when leading a team, create your org charts with you on the bottom to give you a visual reminder.
What do you want most? Write it down. Review it daily. Make it evident in your actions.
Imagine a massive group of people imaginatively working towards the well-being of others. Marinate on that for a second. What could that yield for the current and future generations?
Life is also too long to live it compromised. Several years ago, when I made a job change, several colleagues asked me why I was doing so as it was a lateral move with no promotion or salary increase. Trust me, I was not thrilled about it being lateral either. [Read more…]
We are created as free will beings and have the opportunity to choose the paths that we take. Choose the ultimate outcomes you want, then consciously make decisions in alignment with those outcomes. [Read more…]
My position is progress over perfection or haste for that matter. Inch by inch, step by step, brick by brick, it will get done. Paraphrasing a recent reading, we often want a quick solve through a few steps that will quickly fix us, when indeed, our transformation is often unseen and cannot be calculated. In order for that progress and transformation to happen, you must stay on the road!
Sometimes the work you might be doing may not feel glamorous, nor draw applause. However, take Joy in your “Why!” If you know “why” you are doing what you do, on purpose, keep it moving!
We can only share and invest in others that which we have deposited within ourselves.
Taking in a few pages of a good book each morning is a habit that I have come to enjoy. I’m finishing up two books now, Living in the Light: Money, Sex and Power by John Piper and Becoming by Michelle Obama. I have a stack of books to choose from next, but I’m always looking for recommendations!
What are you reading? Please share if you recommend it.
However, for those that struggle with this topic, here is a question that perhaps you can ask yourself, out loud, that might help.
Dreams are not given to committees and thus not everyone will approve of your dream. Similar to a new company and its founder, so must you be with your dream. Have a business start-up like attitude, savvy, tenacity and resolve to get it done.
However, for those that struggle with this topic, here is a question that perhaps you can ask yourself, out loud, that might help.
“If I knowingly must suppress a part of who I am, that I believe is key to my journey of becoming who I am created to be, in order to enter a particular environment, is that the right environment for me?”