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Episode 17: The Science of Networking with Melissa Wilson


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I am excited to welcome Melissa Wilson, Founder and CEO of Networlding and Networlding Publishing Inc. She’s writing book 18 and 19 and is a 5-time best-selling author. James and Melissa talk about the first step to writing your book, the benefits of networking and the science that shows us why it’s so effective.

Personally, Melissa helped me tremendously during the process of writing my first book, so when Melissa says she is the best friend of thought leaders that want to make a difference in the world, I can attest to her commitment.

Key Highlights

  • [2:10] Melissa shares how she decided to create her business to align with her values by focusing on “make a difference” authors.
  • [3:48] James shares his experience working with Melissa when he published his book.
  • [4:49] The power of a signature story.
  • [7:10] What is Networlding and how did it start?
  • [9:38] How sharing helped Melissa to a contract worth half a million dollars.
  • [11:23] Networlding defined.
  • [15:01] Connection hubs and how they make life easier.
  • [16:30] The networking support exchange model.
  • [21:25] The number one belief of top-performing networkers.
  • [23:16] The networking tipping point.
  • [25:15] The power of 10 circle.
  • [29:04] Start small to grow big.

Connect with Melissa: Networlding

Other great books from Melissa Wilson

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