Success Thought of the Day – 7/6/20
Start this week off great by holistically expecting the very best of and for yourself.
Put first things first (be purposeful), set aligned goals, prioritize actions, and execute.
Be present. Care for yourself and others.
Stubbornness gets doggedly locked into an attitude or position (the how).
Stay determined to reach your goals and be measured on “how” you get there.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/1/20
Determination is about your commitment to the goal (the why, the what).
Stubbornness gets doggedly locked into an attitude or position (the how).
Stay determined to reach your goals and be measured on “how” you get there.

Success Thought of the Day – 6/30/20
Don’t overlook the “small things” in an eagerness to advance, they are the proving grounds for good habits. Scale and expansion don’t change the nature of your habits, it just amplifies them.

Success Thought of the Day – 6/23/20
To “share the feelings of another” takes work, restraint, and discipline. It requires holding back on the natural inclination of listening to respond. However, if we really want to help someone … if you really want to create collaborative solutions … isn’t it worth it?

Success Thought of the Day – 6/22/20
My encouragement is to “keep your eye on your ‘why.’” It sets your destination, fuels your determination and does not let barriers create procrastination.

Success Thought of the Day – 6/19/20
“Juneteenth is a day on which honor and respect is paid for the sufferings of slavery. It is a day on which we acknowledge the evils of slavery and its aftermath. On Juneteenth we talk about our history and realize because of it, there will forever be a bond between us.” – Tom Feelings

Success Thought of the Day – 6/18/20
Change is inevitable. Mindset is a choice. Power through or weather through? Grow or contract?

Success Thought of the Day – 6/16/20
What do you envision for yourself?
That is intrinsically rooted?
That you know, that you know, THAT YOU KNOW?
Develop that strong mental picture of it. Then take the first step forward. It gets easier after that first step. Not because the road gets easier, but because your belief gets stronger.