Work it like a Boss: 7 Professional Skills to Develop Today
Do you ever wonder what professional skills you could develop to get ahead at work? Not only do you NOT know where to start, but you’re also short on time AND money. You feel stuck in a catch-22; you have to spend to get ahead and can’t get ahead without spending. But what if we… Read More »Work it like a Boss: 7 Professional Skills to Develop Today

5 Career Stages & How to Slay Each One Like a Boss
There are five career stages, each preparing us for the next. Knowing them helps your rightfully sift nuggets of wisdom.

Big Year for Da Fixx As They Grab Another Kingdom Choice Award for Best Radio Show and Their Team Wins In the Stellar’s Basketball Game
July is off to a bang as DA FIXX Grabs another Kingdom Choice Award. Holy Culture CEO James Rosseau, took to Instagram to comment on the special occasion . View this post on Instagram A post shared by James B. Rosseau (Trig) (@jamesrosseausr)

Find success on your own terms by discovering your passion!
How do you find success on your own terms? By discovering your passion and using it to live in your purpose! Never give up on your goals again.

Demand for Christian Hip Hop Propels Holy Culture Radio
First published by Music Connection In April, Holy Culture Radio (HCR), a staple in the Christian hip-hop community, expanded to a full-time “edutainment” channel on SiriusXM Radio, broadening its reach into its faith-based rap audience. “There has always been a question of whether there is a market for Christian hip-hop music,” said James Rosseau, founder of the nonprofit organization that… Read More »Demand for Christian Hip Hop Propels Holy Culture Radio

HCR’s Da Fixx Morning Radio Show Wins Kingdom Choice Award
First published by Business Week This Week– Neel Achary Wilmington, DE, October 21, 2022 — Holy Culture Radio’s Dice Gamble and DJ Focus attended the Kingdom Choice Awards 2022 in New York City to participate in the event and do what Da Fixx Morning Radio Show does — expose the culture to positive but relevant… Read More »HCR’s Da Fixx Morning Radio Show Wins Kingdom Choice Award

What’s Your Listening Style?
Recognizing when to shift out of our habitual styles and consciously apply alternative styles of listening and responding may allow for more effective and meaningful interactions.

National Teachers Appreciation Week – 2022
Celebrating our teachers is more than a sign of gratitude, it is an acknowledgment of the service they give to create foundational structure.

Success Thought of the Day – 3/7/22
Personally and professionally, I can’t think of anything accomplished that did not have its string of obstacles before it. Whenever you see highlight reels, you can assume there was plenty of obstacle hurdling on the way there.

Success Thought of the Day – 3/1/22
Creating the vision is important, holding to it even more so. [Read More In The Post]