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Success Thought of The Day

The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. -- Brendan Francis

Success Thought of the Day – 10/25/18: Solve Problems

The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. — Brendan Francis

Do not look back and ask why? Look forward and ask, why not? - Neil Patel

Success Thought of the Day – 10/24/18: Looking Forward

Do not look back and ask why? Look forward and ask, why not? – Neil Patel

To double your net worth, double your self-worth because you will never exceed the height of your self-image. - Robn Sharma

Success Thought of the Day – 10/23/18: Self-Worth

To double your net worth, double your self-worth because you will never exceed the height of your self-image. —Robin Sharma

Nothing is less productive than to make more efficient what should not be done at all . - Peter Drucker

Success Thought of the Day – 10/22/18: What do you need to stop doing?

We all get the same amount of time each day, no more and no less than 24 hours.  While we struggle to gain more time to get things done, an exercise that always helps is taking a pause, examining your calendar and considering what things should “continue or stop.” Read more…

And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

Success Thought of the Day – 10/19/18: The Life in Your Years

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years. – Abraham Lincoln

Help thy brother's boat across and thine own has reached the shore.  - Hindu Proverb

Success Thought of the Day – 10/18/18: Helping Others

Help thy brother’s boat across and thine own has reached the shore.  – Hindu Proverb

We are the choices we have made – Meryl Streep

Success Thought of the Day – 10/17/18: Life's Stew

We are the choices we have made – Meryl Streep

Eighty percent of success is showing up. - Woody Allen

Success Thought of the Day – 10/16/18: Showing Up

Eighty percent of success is showing up. – Woody Allen

Strategic planning is worthless – unless there is first a strategic vision. – John Naisbitt

Success Thought of the Day – 10/15/18: Vision for your life

Strategic planning is worthless – unless there is first a strategic vision. – John Naisbitt Read the Full Blog Post


Success Thought of the Day – 10/12/18: Approve Your Dreams

The only place where your dream becomes impossible is in your own thinking. – Robert H Schuller

Give Your Self-Appraisal A Boost

Success Thought of the Day – 10/11/18: Give Your Self-Appraisal A Boost

It is the time of year when many are going through the performance process and are writing their self-appraisal. It is an opportunity to chronicle what you have delivered. As you write it, ensure it brings forth absolute clarity to your contributions in the context of your goals (as set with your manager if applicable). (Read more)

To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else. – Bernadette Devlin

Success Thought of the Day – 10/10/18: True Worth

To gain that which is worth having, it may be necessary to lose everything else. – Bernadette Devlin