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Success Thought of The Day

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. - Albert Einstein

Success Thought of the Day – 9/4/18: Imagination

The self is not something ready-made, but something in continuous formation through choice of action. -- John Dewey

Success Thought of the Day – 9/3/18


Success Thought of the Day – 8/31/18


Success Thought of the Day – 8/30/18: The Power of a Teacher

Hear more words of wisdom from Bert Calhoun during the podcast interview.


Success Thought of the Day – 8/29/18: Diversity

Hear more words of wisdom from Matt Winter during his podcast interview.


Success Thought of the Day – 8/28/18: It starts with belief

Hear more words of wisdom from Fatima Salaam during her podcast interview with her husband and business partner, Bert Calhoun.


Success Thought of the Day – 8/27/18: Move beyond fear

The ability to move beyond fear is a powerful attribute. It has often been said (and I am paraphrasing), it is not the just the destination that we have made it to that defines our success, but the distance from which we have traveled.  I would suggest a friendly modification – – we should also… Read More »Success Thought of the Day – 8/27/18: Move beyond fear

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Success Thought of the Day – 8/24/18: Taking Chances

We know that without a doubt, we lose 100% of the opportunities we do not go for.  Perhaps better stated by hockey player Wayne Gretzky, “you miss 100% of the shots you do not take.”  So, we must take chances. What holds us back from taking chances? The risk of loss perhaps?  That could certainly… Read More »Success Thought of the Day – 8/24/18: Taking Chances


Success Thought of the Day – 8/23/18


Success Thought of the Day – 8/22/18


Success Thought of the Day – 8/21/18

Success Thought of the Day – 8/20/18