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Success Thought of the Day – 10/28/19

Children view, explore, imagine, believe, and act as if their dreams can come true … the rest of us should too. – James Rosseau, Sr.

Children view, explore, imagine, believe, and act as if their dreams can come true … the rest of us should too. – James Rosseau, Sr.


I enjoy watching children, who are unaware of limitations and boundaries, play and act out what they believe they want to be when they grow up.   They do so with reckless abandon, having no reason to believe their dreams will not come true.

The current state is the current state until it is not; until the present reality is shifted by someone.  Don’t accept limitations and boundaries, persist, persevere and move past them.

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Big year for DaFixx as they grab another Kingdom Choice Award for Best Radio Show


HCR’s Da Fixx Morning Radio Show Wins Kingdom Choice Award


Holy Culture Radio (HCR) has moved to SiriusXM Channel 140


Kingdom Choice Award was awarded to James B. Rosseau