Success Thought of the Day – 4/14/21
As a leader, think about what the air of trust feels like in your organization. If you want to do a litmus test, self-check these two items.
People want to trust that they are working on important things. To be true, people need a clear purpose, mission and vision, and aligned goals. Further, they need resources and to be empowered to do the job.
People want to trust that they can be authentic at work. For that to be true, you must create and nurture a culture where psychological safety exists. In short, an environment for risk-taking that supports change without fear of negative consequences to self-image, status, or career.
If you can check “affirmative” on both of those, you are well on your way!
Success Thought of the Day – 4/12/21
There are well over 70,000 books on leadership. Pick your desired area of learning, from philosophy through execution techniques, and you will find vast resources. However, if you keep two things in mind at the end of the day, you will be ahead of the game.
One, people are human and want to be treated as such. Don’t let phrases such as “human assets” and such harden you otherwise. Two, lead in a way that you are proud to share with your grandparent or pastor. That litmus test will keep you in check. 🙂
Success Thought of the Day – 4/7/21
We all need more fuel for our tanks.
Expected outcomes can be a crucial motivator but are often difficult to see amid change. Leaders must help bring that into view, both the big picture for the team and individually for the players within their unique roles.
[Read More in the post]
Success Thought of the Day – 4/5/21
We all need more fuel for our tanks.
Expected outcomes can be a crucial motivator but are often difficult to see amid change. Leaders must help bring that into view, both the big picture for the team and individually for the players within their unique roles.
[Read More in the post]
Success Thought of the Day – 4/2/21
When I think about who we are, the words that come to mind are purpose, gifts, talents, morals, values, principles, beliefs, character, and so much more. [Read More in the post]
Success Thought of the Day – 3/30/21
Working hard towards opportunities and success is one thing, but you increase your odds when you become an attractive person. So, what is the definition of an attractive person professionally? There is a common theme often heard when you ask others. It is someone that you “know, like, and trust.”
The “know” and “trust” parts seem to get addressed intuitively. People promote their skills and competencies, and people gain trust by delivering on their promises (e.g., objectives, goals, etc.). However, the “like” part can often hang out there a bit. [Read more in post.]