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Success Thought of the Day – 8/7/20

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Moving about without clear goals is similar to wandering through the wilderness without a map or compass.  However, there is good news. Goals can be re-affirmed or established at any time.

Admittedly, there are many things outside of our control.  However, clarity of purpose and aligned goals are not.  Commit to having that clarity in your life.

Success Thought of the Day – 8/6/20

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You are more capable than you realize as you have been equipped to fulfill your purpose. Stay focused; keep going!

The same is true in reaching your goals. More activity alone will not provide the results. Reduce distraction intake, which will increase your on what matters.

Success Thought of the Day – 8/4/20

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Deep roots take time. Let patience have its place. Don’t prematurely give up on what might be growing in you and for you.

The same is true in reaching your goals. More activity alone will not provide the results. Reduce distraction intake, which will increase your on what matters.

Success Thought of the Day – 8/3/20

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Principles are enduring, hold fast to them. Core beliefs are grounding, evolve them with discernment. Both act as sound guides through it all.

The same is true in reaching your goals. More activity alone will not provide the results. Reduce distraction intake, which will increase your on what matters.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/31/20

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To lose weight, you create a calorie deficiency. If you consult your doctor, while they will advocate exercise, they will quickly tell you that you cannot “out-exercise” a poor diet with high caloric intake.

The same is true in reaching your goals. More activity alone will not provide the results. Reduce distraction intake, which will increase your on what matters.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/29/20

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I once heard a person say that “everyone loves change so long as they drive the change, and in this instance, I am driving the change, so many won’t like it.” As with many things, it depends; adaptability is critical for us as well. [read more …]

Begin this week by carefully considering your options and choosing actions that will garner progress.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/27/20

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Consider our habits when we play board games.  We roll the dice, and let’s say we get a “9.”  We then tend to consider our options, try to think through a few rounds ahead, before we take our nine paces.  All in the effort to win a fictitious reward.  How much more should we do so in the activities of our careers and life?

Begin this week by carefully considering your options and choosing actions that will garner progress.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/23/20

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Roles and positions with granted authority are needed and have utility, but the allure can be misleading.  Even authority granted, must be leveled up to earned respect.  Further, to truly make an enduring impact, one must shift focus to serving and influencing leaders, creating bonds that live beyond the season of that role.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/22/20

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Daily, we make decisions that run the gamut from the seemingly unimportant to the life-altering. In reality, each time we make a choice, we add an element to our life’s tapestry. Visualize the reflecting principles you want to see in that beautiful fabric and let those guide you.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/20/20

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The focused pursuit of a goal is a good thing.  However, zooming out periodically allows you to check progress, assess new information, survey the evolving landscape, and assimilate.  With that, you can determine what, if anything, you need to do differently as you re-engage in the pursuit.