Success Thought of the Day – 7/30/19
The very idea of “failure” creates discomfort for most of us. However, discomfort is where growth happens. Embrace it!

Success Thought of the Day – 7/26/19: The Power Within
Take a minute or two and jot down a few things you completed this work as you worked towards your passion and purpose. Acknowledge that work for just a moment … let it re-energize for the next leg of the journey!

Success Thought of the Day – 7/25/19: Go HARDER
I have been sending out the Success Thought of the Day since January of 2000, which makes this the 20th year. There are many mornings, like this one, where I don’t “feel like” doing it. I don’t “feel like” rolling out of bed and doing my bible study, prayer and reading beforehand. [read more …]

Success Thought of the Day – 7/24/19
Once you have determined what is important to you (passion/purpose), strengthen your commitment and improve your odds of execution by having accountability partners. There are people whom you share your vision with, encourage you, celebrate with you and also hold you accountable.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/23/19
Give thought to your unique capacities and talents. Are you developing and using them in service of your purpose?

Success Thought of the Day – 7/22/19: Chasing your passion
You will be best at what you were created to be. That is sometimes hard to see early in your journey, it was for me. However, what you will find is that once you identify it and begin to chase it, things happen. Invest time wisely in figuring out what your passion is!

Success Thought of the Day – 7/19/19: The Power of Character
With each decision and action, you build and shape your character. As a career or business builder, consider that your character precedes your resume or sales pitch, so treat it with care.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/18/19: Focus on what matters
If the career you are chasing, stripped of money and prestige, makes you feel good, you are on the right track.
As with all things, it is a journey and will take work. However, you’re going to work regardless, how much better time spent in work you find fulfilling?! Your fulfillment will lead to your true fortune.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/17/19: Invest in Yourself
Read 10 pages of a good book, listen to an audiobook or podcast (hmm, I have one I can recommend :).
The small daily deposits add up!

Success Thought of the Day – 7/16/19: The Steps Along The Way
Short term goals help you break the “big picture’ down into bite-size pieces. Completing them provide boosts of excitement, reflection, and energy. More importantly, they are additive and have a cumulative effect on helping you reach your long term plan.
There are goal planning sheets here if you need some!

Success Thought of the Day – 7/15/19: Decide and Start
We all have our tendencies. By my very nature, I tend to focus on the “why,” the strategy and how in terms of the pursuit of my passion. Even long after the why and strategy are settled, I can go on and on configuring and reconfiguring the “how.” At the end of the day, plans are great, but in the words of Mike Tyson, everyone has a plan until they get punched.
Once you know that you know what you are in pursuit of, make the decision to do it or not. If you decide the answer is yes, then start. Get out of the safe laboratory of your mind and get your passion out on the road.