Success Thought of the Day – 1/27/22
Have you ever opened your inbox and found yourself archiving or deleting numerous emails? Worse, doing the same thing day after day with the same emails? [Read More In Post]

Success Thought of the Day – 1/25/22
Oak trees take 30 to 40 years to grow from seeds to mature trees. Thank God we can accomplish a lot more in shorter timeframes. 😂 [Read More In Post]

Success Thought of the Day – 1/24/22
When we allow ourselves to see the big “we,” the game changes. However, our initial reaction to problems often prevents that. Two practices can create a shift. [Read More In Post]

Success Thought of the Day – 1/21/22
Doubt will cause you to believe a false narrative about yourself. [Read More In Post]

Success Thought of the Day – 1/19/22
It has been said that the two most important days in your life are the day you are born, and the day you find out why. [Read More In Post]

Success Thought of the Day – 1/18/22
Years ago, one of my most significant leadership mistakes was over-relying on my playbook and not listening to my team and stakeholders. [Read More In Post]

Success Thought of the Day – 1/17/22
His brilliance and tenacity will never be forgotten. #mlk #servingothers 🙏🏾

Success Thought of the Day – 1/13/22
The plots are similar in so many movies. A group of up-and-coming heroes takes off to save the village, breaking through barriers on their way to the villain’s castle. They have momentum until they face a magical lock. Several try to open it, but no luck. Then the one with the gift emerges, opening the lock and saving the day.
In your movie, you have that unique gift to open the locks in front of you. Use it!

Success Thought of the Day – 1/12/22
Like the last few reps in an exercising set, those moments producing the greatest gains often feel unendurable.
Those moments can produce stress, the fear of failure, and even despair. But you can endure. Focus on what awaits you on the other side.

Success Thought of the Day – 1/11/22
Every time you use your voice, you have the opportunity to create progressive dialogue. Be intentional.