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The fact is that the system people work in … may account for 90 or 95 percent of performance. – W. Edwards Deming

Success Thought of the Day – 3/22/21

“Are you working in the system or on the system?” That was one of the best questions a team member asked me several years ago.

As a leader, it is easy to get our hands into everything, as we want to help others be successful, drive results and pursue the organization’s purpose. However, there is a difference between the individual, in the moment efforts, and operating systems.

I liken it to a glass of water spilling on a table; if it happens once or twice, it is acceptable to grab a towel and clear it up. However, if this will be a repeated act, you need to address the real need, fix the spill’s cause, or install a “system” of trenches to catch and dispose of the water.

Give some thought to the systems you have stewardship responsibility for and make them better.

Opportunities? They are all around us… There is power lying latent everywhere waiting for the observant eye to discover it. –Orison Swett Marden

Success Thought of the Day – 3/17/21

If only opportunities would walk up to us and introduce themselves with a warm greeting!

In the simplest form, businesses are born by solving a problem that people have. If you can observe the problem and have the talent to solve it by developing a product or service, that could be an opportunity.

Be observant of your spaces, starting with your problems. As an example, Pastor Grannum once said, “If you’re single and want to be married, start looking around here at church. When I’m praying, and all eyes are closed, open yours and take a look around!” 🙂

Declutter … your mind, your phone and your home. – James Rosseau, Sr.

Success Thought of the Day – 3/16/21

Many times, we attribute the lack of success to not having worked hard enough. However, often the root cause is a lack of focus on what we are purposed to do.

Declutter and remove the extra. Clothes from your closet you don’t wear but touch them each time you go to get dressed (donate them), Apps on your phone that you don’t use (delete them), items on your to-do list that you lightly touch but never complete (archive them).

Choose the practices that make sense to you, clearing a path to what’s essential.

I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it. — Maya Angelou

Success Thought of the Day – 7/10/20

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Have you ever found yourself in a business meeting or sales transaction, negotiating from a defensive posture? Where you feel consumed with what you stand to lose, and your actions are focused on protecting and minimalizing that loss?

It is difficult to create solutions from that posture as you are not standing in your power when consumed with those thoughts.

Work towards a shift that starts with knowing there will be change, but you [as a person] will not be reduced by it. Continue with a primary focus on growing something better together, finding the common ground, the common goals and the collective win.

A great collective win means you win. A bigger pie means bigger slices!

Success Thought of the Day – 7/9/20

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Last weekend I accidentally began watching “Alone,” a survival series on the History channel. The plot is simple. Ten contestants are dropped off on an island, must live off the land, and be the last person standing to win. They must build shelter, find food, manage through the elements, deal with the wildlife, etc. [Read more…]

History is as recent as yesterday. Make a difference today and be historical tomorrow. – James Rosseau, Sr.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/7/20

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You have something that others need … a gift, a talent, a skill, a treasure, etc. There is no need to ask if you can be of use. The only questions that remain are when and where do you want to be of use.

Put first things first (be purposeful), set aligned goals, prioritize actions, and execute.

Be present. Care for yourself and others.

Stubbornness gets doggedly locked into an attitude or position (the how).

Stay determined to reach your goals and be measured on “how” you get there.

Expectations tend to be self-fulfilling.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/6/20

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Start this week off great by holistically expecting the very best of and for yourself.

Put first things first (be purposeful), set aligned goals, prioritize actions, and execute.

Be present. Care for yourself and others.

Stubbornness gets doggedly locked into an attitude or position (the how).

Stay determined to reach your goals and be measured on “how” you get there.

Success Thought of the Day – 7/1/20

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Determination is about your commitment to the goal (the why, the what).

Stubbornness gets doggedly locked into an attitude or position (the how).

Stay determined to reach your goals and be measured on “how” you get there.