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Success Thought of the Day – 12/4/20

Consider that many of our habits and behaviors, such as competitor benchmarking, are born out of institutional experiences. The context between institutional needs and your personal requirements could not be more different.  Ask yourself “why” often and adjust accordingly.

Success is not random, yet the steps may be different for each person.  Take note of what is working and what is not.  Adjust accordingly. - James Rosseau, Sr.

Success Thought of the Day – 11/24/20

Like many teams that venture out onto the football field, acknowledging 100 yards to goal, they recognize that not all plays work for every team.  They often adjust the play calls based on the players that they have on the field.

So it is with your success.   Best practices and models that work well for someone else are great places to start; acquire that wisdom!  However, be mindful to ensure the right application to who you are and what you are designed to do. 

The closest to perfection a person ever comes is when he fills out a job application form. – Evan Esar

Success Thought of the Day – 11/20/20

Perfection is fleeting; moving forward is progress.

Doing so consistently, in the right direction, leads to success.

As we begin that time of the year where we tend to measure ourselves, consider consistent progress over perfection.