Success Thought of the Day – 1/13/21
I don’t believe anyone will ever say leadership is easy, it takes work. However, there are three things you can do as you facilitate talent that will make a meaningful difference. [Read More…]

Success Thought of the Day – 1/12/21
Finding or resurfacing your purpose requires internal work. This is about some alone time; I dare say, “non-digital time.” Ideally, you want to begin to create a view that lets you see what gets you fired up, alongside your gifts and talents and how they overlap and complement each other. [Read More…]

Success Thought of the Day – 1/11/21
It was about ten minutes before the start of the class I was teaching. While I had taught this series of classes several times, it had always been with adults. This was the first with junior high school students, and as we know, children can be challenging! I was deeply concerned about how we would connect early on, particularly over Zoom.
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Success Thought of the Day – 1/8/21
What is your space? Are you fulfilling it?
If “yes,” congrats! What did you find was key to you getting down the path? Share so others can learn from your journey.
If “no,” what holds you back from fulfilling it?

Success Thought of the Day – 1/7/21
Have you ever been to a concert and heard a song played that you know, but did the dog head turn and thought, “something doesn’t sound right?” While you could still appreciate the piece, you just knew it was missing something?
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Success Thought of the Day – 1/6/21
Discovering why we are here is essential.
It is akin to “having the right tool for the job.” Taking a hammer to screws typically doesn’t work well. We might be able to bang a few into place, but it is far from being the optimal solution.

Success Thought of the Day – 1/5/21
You do it whenever you can do it.
You do it whenever you must do it.
You do it to ensure there is progress towards your BHAG.
You do it to fulfill your purpose.

Success Thought of the Day – 1/4/21
Terms such as “leaving 2020 behind,” “the new me,” and “live my best life” are bound to be popular as mindset symbols for a mindset shift heading into the New Year. Mentally gearing up is excellent, particularly when combined with a good definition of what you are ultimately chasing.

Success Thought of the Day – 12/23/20
Leaders … when the people you lead truly understand your organization, the product and services you deliver, and your customers, their ability to contribute increases dramatically. People can follow instructions, but for them to take the initiative in times of uncertainty or innovate when opportunities are present, they must understand.

Success Thought of the Day – 12/22/20
Leaders … when the people you lead truly understand your organization, the product and services you deliver, and your customers, their ability to contribute increases dramatically. People can follow instructions, but for them to take the initiative in times of uncertainty or innovate when opportunities are present, they must understand.

Success Thought of the Day – 12/21/20
Time is precious. We each start the day with the same allocation. From there, psychologists estimate that we make more than 30,000 decisions each day. Make two big ones from the onset, and use your method of preference (e.g., sticky notes on your laptop, large post on your whiteboard, calendared time on your schedule, etc.) to remind you of them.
One, learn something aligned with your purpose; you will undoubtedly be bombarded by thousands of other things you will come to know by accident. Two, take another step towards your purpose.
The consistency of those actions will pay off.

Success Thought of the Day – 12/17/20
How we see the problem often is the problem.
As leaders, the most fundamental opportunity you have is to be the facilitator of talent. Each person you lead will have a crack. Your challenge is to see it as “the light,” which welcomes others’ complementary skills as you facilitate the creation of great teams.